Children's Miracle Network
Dell Children’s Medical Center is a member of Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals (CMNH). Children’s Miracle Network is a non-profit organization that raises funds for more than 170 children’s hospitals across North America. Countless individuals, organizations and media partners unite with Children’s Miracle Network hospitals to help sick and injured kids in local communities.
Dell Children’s has been a member of CMNH since 1987 and since then, the program has raised over $20 Million for local kids in Central Texas. Donations to Children’s Miracle Network create miracles by funding medical care, research and education that saves and improves the lives of 17 million children each year. Currently, all funds raised through Dell Children’s CMNH program support the HERE Campaign to keep kids at home, where they belong.
If you or your company would like to get involved with Children’s Miracle Network please contact Sr. Director of Development, Megan Campuzano at 915-204-7452 or Associate Development Coordinator, Savannah Bratcher at 317-670-2244.
Owen’s Story
Owen Coulter’s journey with Dell Children’s began two weeks before Christmas 2018. Owen’s condition escalated very quickly, and he went into cardiac arrest, and he received 90 minutes of CPR. Doctors decided to put him on a heart and lung bypass machine called ECMO, which ultimately saved his life in the emergency room that day. Owen fought through a 56-day stay with the help of the Music Therapy program. Owen got to go home with his family on February 7, 2019! He’s been doing well ever since!