Ways to Give

Endowed Chairs

Endowed Positions at Dell Children’s

Supporting Extraordinary Leaders, Caring for Children

Endowed positions support the most prestigious and significant recognition of a clinician’s work, and serve as powerful tools for attracting and retaining the world class innovative minds we seek to care for Central Texas children.

“Dell Children’s is committed to bringing medical advances to our community. In a very tangible way, our endowed chair donors will provide sustainable resources that support our clinical leaders in developing innovative programs that lift the mission of holistic care at Dell Children’s.”
– Z. Leah Harris, M.D., Professor and Chair, Department of Pediatrics
Physician in Chief, Dell Children’s Medical Center
Director, Dell Pediatric Research Institute, Dell Children’s Medical Center

Endowing a visionary physician is an opportunity to create a legacy while honoring outstanding medical professionals for their accomplishments and sustaining life-saving programs. By naming an endowment in a meaningful way to you/your family, you will leave a lasting imprint on the Dell Children’s Foundation by honoring an organization or person, or paying tribute to or memorialize a family member/friend. Endowing a physician is truly a forever gift.

John L. Hern Foundation Distinguished Chair in Pediatric Cardiothoracic Surgery

Charles D. Fraser, Jr., M.D.

Chair, Charles. D Fraser, Jr., MD

Charles D. Fraser, Jr., M.D., an internationally recognized pediatric congenital heart surgeon, is Dell Children’s Chief of Pediatric and Congenital Heart Surgery, Founder and Executive Director of the Texas Center for Pediatric and Congenital Heart Disease in partnership with Dell Medical School at The University of Texas at Austin.

Endowment Levels

Distinguished Chair

Established at $5M & Above
A Distinguished Chair endowment will support eminent physicians who are attracting exceptional physicians, residents and fellows to practice medicine at Dell Children’s. These physicians are visionaries who lead the way in their fields and are growing extraordinary programs to serve our community. A Distinguished Chair is the highest honor that can be bestowed upon a physician at Dell Children’s.


Established at $2M & Above
Chair holders are program leads who have distinguished themselves based on exceptional clinical experience, their vision to grow the programs they lead, and their ability to recruit and retain world class physicians.


Established at $500K & Above
Endowed Fellowships support the newest physicians in their fields. An endowed fellowship attracts the best and brightest minds to practice at Dell Children’s. As these new physicians complete their Fellowships with Dell Children’s, they conduct research, care for patients, train medical students, and so much more – all to the benefit of our community and the patients who need them.

To learn more, please contact Dell Children’s Foundation at 512-324-0170.