The goal of a legacy or planned gift is to plan your estate and charitable giving in a way that benefits you, your family, and charity. There are many ways you can make a planned gift to charity and receive immediate and lasting benefits.
Gift planning is a process that allows donors to choose the most appropriate gift, for the most personally meaningful and important purpose, in the most advantageous time frame for the donor, the donor’s heirs, and for Dell Children’s. Gift planning provides our donors the opportunity to prepare and design their charitable gifts in a way that works best for them.
Leave a legacy and help Dell Children’s do the same. To ensure that Dell Children’s will continue to provide Central Texas children with world-class care, give a gift that leaves a legacy through planned giving.
If you are interested in learning more about including Dell Children’s in your planned giving, please contact Dell Children’s Foundation at 512-324-0107 or via email at [email protected].

Wills & Living Trusts
Will you be the future lifeline for Dell Children’s?
Will you help bring a healing touch to your community for generations to come?
Say “yes” by making a bequest or other planned gift to the Dell Children’s Foundation. It’s as simple as adding this language to your Will:
I hereby direct $___________ (or ____ percent of my residual estate) in cash, securities, or other property to the Dell Children’s Foundation. This gift shall be for the further benefit of _____________[facility or program] and shall be used to __________[purpose].
By including Dell Children’s in your will, you can have the satisfaction of knowing your generosity will leave a lasting legacy of outstanding health care for the communities we serve. As you consider your estate plan, please think of Dell Children’s.
If you have already remembered Dell Children’s in your estate plans, please contact us. We would like to thank you for your generosity.
Charitable Gift Annuities
Charitable gift annuities are the easiest way to make a gift to Dell Children’s Foundation and receive income in return.
Charitable gift annuities provide fixed annual payments for the lifetime of the annuitant. Annuity rates are based on the age of the annuitant(s) and can be as high as 9%. You can also defer the annual payments to a later date specified at the time the gift is made. The deferral results in a higher annuity rate.
Gift annuities are attractive to donors who want to convert appreciated stocks into a reliable source of income or increase their income from investments like CDs or money market funds.
Benefits of creating a charitable gift annuity include:
- Potential for increased income
- Partially tax-free income
- Receive a charitable income tax deduction
- Bypass capital gains taxes that would have been due upon the sale of the stock
- Remove the property from your taxable estate
For a personalized calculation showing the benefits of a charitable gift annuity, please contact us.
Charitable Gift Trusts
Charitable Remainder Trusts are a popular way to make a gift and receive income in return. A donation of cash, stock, real estate or other assets is invested, producing income for the donor or other chosen beneficiaries for a fixed period of years or their lifetime. When the donor dies, the Dell Children’s Foundation keeps all of the remaining assets. The donor is allowed to claim a charitable income tax deduction for the estimated portion of the assets that will ultimately come to the Dell Children’s Foundation.
There are two types of charitable remainder trusts: unitrusts and annuity trusts. With a basic unitrust, the donor receives one or more yearly payments equaling a fixed percentage of the trusts value as assessed each year. With a net-income unitrust, the donor receives only the income earned by the trust, even if the trust earns less than the payout rate. However, the trust can be set up to include a “make-up provision,” which allows the donor to make up the lost income, provided the trust earns more than the payout rate in future years.
With an annuity trust, the donor receives a yearly fixed payment equaling at least 5% of the value of the asset at the time the trust is funded.
Benefits of creating a charitable trust include:
- Supplement your retirement income
- Receive a charitable income tax deduction
- Bypass capital gains taxes that would have been due upon the sale of the property
- Remove the property from your taxable estate
For more information on Charitable Remainder Trusts, please contact us.
Gifts of Real Estate
The Dell Children’s Foundation accept gifts of real estate and other property subject to approval by the Foundation’s Board of Trustees.
Benefits of making a gift of real estate include:
- Receive a charitable income tax deduction for the fair market value of the property
- Bypass capital gains taxes that would have been due upon the sale of the property
- Remove the property from your taxable estate
If you are interested in donating real estate, please contact us for instructions about making your gift and our process for approving the acceptance of your gift.