In April of 2021, Jackson, a happy, easygoing and sporty 3 year old, started to complain of leg pain. It wasn’t every day, and it wasn’t always both or even the same leg. Mid-August Jackson got sick, ran a fever and felt nauseous. He then started experiencing intense leg pain that would wake him in the middle of the night.

After about 2 sleepless nights and follow ups, the thought was that Jackson had viral arthritis, which is sometimes a side effect after having strep. Jackson was treated with pain relievers and seemed to recover – until the sleepless nights returned 2 weeks later, with Jackson even calling out “It’s in my bones!”. Back to the doctor he went, where after a negative Strep test and a normal CBC panel Jackson’s doctor thought it might be growing pains, but to cover all bases I ordered an x-ray.

It was on August 16, 2021 that the Limburg’s lives were turned upside down with x-ray results showing a growth on Jackson’s left femur. On September 28th, the Limburg’s received the call from Dr. Neff at the Dell Children’s Blood and Cancer Center that it was Burkitt Lymphoma, a form of fast growing non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma that impairs immunity and is rapidly fatal if left untreated. Jackson’s medical team at Dell Children’s wasted no time and his treatment began immediately!

Over the course of 6 months, Jackson received 5 rounds of treatment which consisted of chemotherapy, lumbar punctures, transfusions, infusions, oral medications, and steroids, spending the majority of those months’ inpatient at Dell Children’s on 4 North and at the Blood & Cancer Center. The Limburg’s are so grateful for everyone who took the absolute BEST care of Jackson, making him feel like being at the hospital was an adventure, including a never ending supply of toys and snacks, visits to the fish pond to feed the coy fish and Patrolling 4N in one of the little vehicles; making the nurses, doctors and other staff laugh as he made his rounds.

On March 4, 2022 Jackson received his remission diagnosis and the Limburg’s couldn’t be more excited to be on the other side of this journey. However, it was bittersweet knowing they wouldn’t be spending as much time at Dell with all their friends they have come to know and love. Jackson will have quarterly follow-ups and afterwards he makes sure to stop by and say hello to his friends on 4 North. The Limburg’s want them to know they will never forget them!

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